
Updated on July 2024



  • Python - Live Stream Bot (2023)
  • C++ - Signals and Slots Library (2020)
  • C++ - Immediate Mode GUI Sports App (2020)
  • C++ - Game Script Editor (2014-2015)


Live Stream Bot - 2023

GitHub - aviana37/ogrobot: Repositório do bot utilizado nas lives da Twitch
Repositório do bot utilizado nas lives da Twitch. Contribute to aviana37/ogrobot development by creating an account on GitHub.

Written in just under 200 lines in Python, Ogrobot was coded live with each new feature being implemented on viewer demand. Once it's running, the bot interacts with the stream and performs certain activities based on chat messages, such as playing audio, converting text to speech, and dynamically listing all available commands enabled by the host.

Although not the most complex or technically sophisticated, it is by far the most useful project in this portfolio. The features Ogrobot provides usually require paid tools or having an established audience on the platform, and therefore this FOSS tool is useful not only to myself and my circle online, but also to any casual streamer on Twitch.


Signals and Slots C++20 Library - 2020

GitHub - aviana37/signal: Signal - C++20 Signals & Slots
Signal - C++20 Signals & Slots. Contribute to aviana37/signal development by creating an account on GitHub.

Signal is a C++ header-only template library that implements emitters and receivers for callback handling. The initial goal of this project was to explore the new C++20 features (eg. concepts) and how they changed the language's template meta programming landscape. This project will be upgraded to C++23 in the near future, adding move semantics and implementing thread safety.

Check out a 'Hello world!' example!

Immediate Mode GUI

Sports Data Analysis - 2020

Project Insight is a data analysis and visualization tool for analyzing the results of sports matches. The focus when implementing it was to work with immediate mode GUIs in C++, since writing quality code when applying this technique is very challenging.

Despite not implementing advanced state-of-the-art data processing algorithms, Insight was very profitable for its users. So much so, eventually betting houses would soft lock their accounts and prohibit high stake ventures.

“Quit while you’re ahead.
All the best gamblers do.”
Baltasar Gracián y Morales (1601-1658)

Game Script Editor


GSE was a 2D game script editor written in C++ using Qt4 Framework. It featured entity management, scene creation, and tiling support. The icons and UI were designed by André Viana.

As a Computer Engineering student, side gigs such as developing games were key to applying academic knowledge and acquiring experience on the field. At the time, we developed multi-platform games in OpenGL, and we needed a custom tool to implement scripts. Qt was the first modern C++ framework I've ever had contact with, and learning it was a godsend to my college training. As an inexperienced young man in his early 20s, this project kicked off my career in IT. Succeeding at this challenge was the first goal I needed to achieve to truly understand that technology is where I belong.

André Viana

Software Developer

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